Horen zonder oren, zien zonder ogen - de Dewa Ruci (To Hear Without Ears, To See Without Eyes - The Dewa Ruci)

After the success of Sweet and Cruel, Hora Est returned to the thirteenth century church of Westerwijtwerd to put on a second performance, this time mixing traditional Indonesian gamelan music with American country songs and adding Javanese shadow puppet play and Capoeira. Hora Est teamed up with Ensemble Gending, a gamelan ensemble from Utrecht, alongside other musicians such as country singer Sascha Bruinsma. 'Stained glass' windows mixing traditional Indonesian wayang style with comic art were designed by comic artist Sam Peeters especially for this performance, creating a fascinating stage for a very special performance. The story was that of the Hindu half god Bhima, a giant who normally trusts his strength above all. However, when he ends up with the Dewa Ruci, an enigmatic dwarf, this legendary strength is of little use. The dwarf invites Bhima to enter him through his left ear. After he reluctantly accepts this invitation, the giant ends up in a world that leaves him  and the audience  speechless. 

Together with the performance, a booklet was published, containing an introduction to the mystical tradition of the Dewa Ruci, a centuries’ old shadow puppet performance, as well as a new version of the Dewa Ruci written especially for this performance. A compact disc with studio versions of the music from the performance was also published following the performance.

For an interview with Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar about this show, click here

Sascha Bruinsma: lead vocals
Patrick Durkan: Guitar, banjo, drums, backing vocals
Kristin McGee: Musical director, compositions
Jorden Hoogeveen: Capoeira
Egbert Hovenkamp III: Narrator (dalang)
Robert van Hulzen: drums, gamelan
Mischa van Kan: Violin, guitar
Klaus Kuiper: slide guitar, gamelan
Job Kwakman: Director
Bernardo Rolando Lendore: Capoeira trainer, berimbau, announcer
Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar: Concept, text, costume design, stage design
Sam Peeters: Stage design
Joost Staats: Bass guitar
Jermain Wallé: Capoeira

Terug naar het begin festival 2011

Kristin McGee: Music and words
Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar: Words and text
Johanz Westerman: Production
With: Sascha Bruinsma, Patrick Durkan, Egbert Hovenkamp III, Robert van Hulzen, Mischa van Kan, Klaus Kuiper, Bernardo Rolando Lendore and Joost Staats

Sample song:

Sjoerd-Jeroen Moenandar: Text
Sam Peeters: Cover illustration

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